Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A month of significant dates :)

Honey and I had our 10th anniversary on February 4th 2010.

Honey's 2 year radiation anniverasry is Friday the 26th of February, 2010.

As of February 19th 2010, her lungs and lymph nodes were still all clear. 'Average survival' for canine chondrosarcoma treated with radiation is a year and a half.


Friday, January 22, 2010

2010 :)

I just wanted to do a quick update – Honey had xrays to check for metastasis on December 7 and she was STILL ALL CLEAR!!! This is huge – average survival for this type of cancer post radiation is 1.5 – 2 years. Honey will celebrate her 2 years in February. Over the holidays she went with us to Santa Fe for a week and got to wear sweaters, take rides in the car and eat snow. She loved it. I’ll let you know how her Feb xrays come out, but here are some recent pics of Hun:

With her friend Copper


In the car on the ride to Taos, NM

Exploring with her people :)

Not wild about the deeper snow, but just fine with being held

Overlooking the Rio Grande in northern New Mexico