Wednesday, May 7, 2008

YEEEEEEEEEEEAH - best May 7th ever. EVER.

So 7 days of horrible sleep and calling Honey 'tripod' even though she wasn't in the least fussed by the biopsy were finally over at around 2 this afternoon when the vet called and told me the tumor was BENIGN!! Now I guess we just call her ‘lumpy’ or ‘bride of Frankenstein’ due to the scars that look like stitches. Her breathing has changed in the last 2 or 3 days – she’s breathing out of her nose a teensy bit more, which is fantastic ‘cause its heading the right way, but she’s starting to spit the ball out and her sleep is suffering. We have to wait until she’s about half out before prying open her mouth and sticking the ball in. Fortunately, she’s incredibly tolerant. I have a feeling the cuddling and telling her how good she is for 10 minutes helps, too. Nonetheless, Cam is on an expedition to various pet stores looking for a slightly smaller ball that might let her keep her mouth a little more closed, and maybe a bit more comfy.

For those of you who know Honey, she did two very reassuring things in the last 2 days – Sunday she found a plastic water bottle (god knows where) and would have annihilated it if I hadn’t intervened, and this afternoon she and Cameron found a basketball and Cameron text messaged me “Honey has a new basketball to play with. I think it’s gonna be an awesome toy – very sturdy” at 3:57:12 pm today and then at 3:58:35 I got “never mind, shark dog ate it” YAY HONEY!!

Oh, and this weekend we went to a help a friend move (translation: we sat around and drank wine and looked at her boxes) and Honey made sure to completely and thoroughly inspect every one, then requisitioned the couch throw pillows, made a nest, and passed out. The pillows were destined for Goodwill so she even got to take them home.

I’m going home to feed her some leftover Passover macaroons.


Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear your biopsy came back negative--thank goodness! I hope Honey is continuing to improve. Scout is doing very well. His first stubble starting coming back in this week, on the very first part of his lip to lose fur. We're still working on the eye that was in the radiation field. We're giving him Optimmune, which doesn't seem to be improving things a whole lot. What did you use for dry eye treatment? I was also wondering if you had already or were planning to do a repeat CT scan to check the tumor. Our vet recommended one at 2-3 months as a baseline. I can't decide if I want to know (or want to spend the money when we may need it for future treatments)....
Hope all is well.

Elizabeth Munroz said...

Glad to know that Honey is doing so well!

Lindsay Lou said...

Hey Erica YAY Scout!! hurrah for hair!!! Pur vet didn't say anythign about another CT scan, but she has to go back every 3 months for a chest xray. think her eyedrops are cyclosporin, and they are really helping, we don't even use them every day anymore. How is Scout's mood?