Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Pain pills, hand feeding and even more fetch.

so we're giving her 25 mg of Tramadol every 12 hours. Its like we have the old Honey back - she was all smiles and tug of war today, which is a little upsetting because we didn't realize she was in pain until we gave her the painkillers and she seemed happier. Last night was better, I think I only woke up 4 times to adjust her lip prop or move her to a better breathing position. Cameron just told me that Im starting to repeat myself, something I do a lot normally, but apparently I've told him my friend Lynn gave me a Hello Kitty cell phone charm six times in the last day. I remember telling him once. Oh well. Please forgive me if I do it here - I try and proof read, and I hate grammatical mistakes, but lack of sleep coupled with the fact that I'm writing this while watching 'Night at the Museum' and doing laundry mean it's not getting my total attention. 

Tonight we also gave her wet food for the first time, which is a major for me. I'm not easily grossed out, I've cleaned wounds on wild animals and I can filet a fish, but canned dog food is the most revolting substance on the planet, and 20 minutes ago I was not only hand feeding Honey Science Diet ZD Ultra (for severe food allergies) but we even warmed it a little first, and mixed in some sweet potatoes and squash. So the whole house smells like dog food, and I managed to do it without gagging. This is a big breakthrough. 

the good thing that happened this week is that the portion of the tumor that's protruding into her mouth is actually visually shrinking. Too bad it's not the part in her nose, but I'll take whatever I can get at this point. The inside of her mouth is getting really raw (hence the switch to wet food) and the skin between her gums and the inside of her lips is grayish and starting to slough off. The pain meds are helping because she's being more tolerant of the lip props. 

ok, Honey just woke up and I'm fairly sure my laundry is dry, so have a lovely night all. Honey sends licks :)

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