Friday, February 8, 2008

Better than yesterday...

Yesterday was rough. It was the first day Honey didn’t eat, and she was so sleepy that if we held her lips up so she could breathe she would fall asleep standing up. Cam had to catch her a few times, it really looked like she was

going to fall over. There was also quite a bit of gunk coming from her nosicle, and it freaked us both out. She would only sleep between us, with her head on Cameron’s pillow and her legs stretched out towards me. That may be putting it lightly, her feet were in my eye and I woke up once with a claw inching its way up my nose. Anyways, yesterday morning she threw up and the vet gave her an antinausea injection, so maybe that’s why she was so out – I remember when I had surgery they gave me phenergan and I have never been so zonked. Ever. She didn’t even eat dinner. Actually, she would if I hand fed her, but that is not something I want to encourage, as I can see her deciding it’s much nicer then eating on her own. Around 3:40 am she started breathing very poorly – louder than we’ve heard so far, fast and shallow. It freaked us both out. Cameron went to sleep and I took over ‘watch Honey duty’ and put on the Cosby Show marathon. This might be a really good time to mention that Cameron is, in fact, violently allergic to dogs. Every time Honey gives him kisses he gets all itchy and red. Same thing when Honey sleeps on his pillow, or under the covers, which he lets her do anyways because she has him wrapped around her tail. But around 5 she woke up enough to move to out from under the covers and was panting, so I’m thinking she was panting in her sleep and that’s what the weird noise was all about.

This morning I gave her an antinausea pill at 8 and her radiation appointment was at 11:30. I got home at 6:20 and she wanted to play!! It’s 8:49 now, and she’s been bringing me the ball and moving her bedding around the room all evening. She even looked like she was breathing out of her nose at one point, although she’s now laying next to me with her nose in the air doing the mouth breathe thing, so maybe that was just wishful thinking. My big plan for the evening is to make rice crispy treats (with strawberries!!!!) and then eat them.

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