Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ding Dong the Dog is Fed

This is just an FYI - through many many nights of trial and error we finally found some things Honey will eat dispite the pain in her mouth. I'm listing them in case anyone else is going through this and needs ideas. I realize we're in a unique situation regarding her food alelrgies, but I got into a conversation with a woman whose dog had IBS and was going through radiation, and we were able to swap some ideas, so hopefully this will help someone:
  • Kraft singles (american, extra calcium, good for smuggling pills)
  • Saifun / rice noodles (made of mung beans or rice, clear, in the asian food section) smothered in butter
  • Lamb babyfood
  • Rice baby cereal (its a good medium for mixing in other babyfoods as well)
  • Assorted vegetable babyfoods
  • Prunes (as the pain got worse, switched to prune baby food)
  • Sweet potato
  • Potato skin cut into strips and smothered in butter
  • Yogurt
  • Ice cream / pinkberry (plain or vanilla, no toppings, NO CITRUS)
  • Raw spinach (washed very well)
  • Canned salmon (lowest salt possible, in oil)
  • EGGS!!! an omlete or scrambled egg 'piece' is also really good for smuggling pills. I usually add other stuff to the egg, like some baby food or salmon and finely chopped spinach or other veggies. It also helps to add about a tablespoon of milk per egg when you scramble them, it makes them fluffier.
And because we think the spoon hurts her mouth now, we're hand feeding her. I think this also helps because she likes to lick us so much anyways that it's just a bonus that we happen to be covered in lamb and rice. And we're telling her how good she is the entire time.

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