Thursday, March 6, 2008

OMG - we have fetchitude!

Cameron's parents and sister came to visit us from Florida and got here today, they called to say they were out front and we took Honey out to meet them on the sidewalk. She was sort of half whacked out and didn't want to come outside, we had to coax her, but as soon as she saw Nancy, Barry and Tybee she flipped out, wagging and wiggling, and we came back inside where Honey proceeded to nap, demand pets and fetch, and LICKED US ALL which she hasn't done in days. Today she also ate a whole can of dog food and two cans of baby food, with some rice baby cereal mixed in for texture. Tybee and I went and picked up takeout, and Honey came along for the ride and was totally fine in the car while we waited for the food.

I was worried that seeing Honey would freak everyone out, but she got petted and snuggled and brushed and kissed, and it made an incredible difference in her attitude, I’m sure because she loves them so much. We’re so lucky to have such loving doggie grandparents. Also, I think there’s little place on her lip that’s actually healing, but I guess the vet will tell us when we go in for our one week post radiation checkup tomorrow morning. I’m not anxious to see what she weighs, three weeks ago she was eating a can of food for breakfast and then asking for lunch and dinner, so although I’m really excited about the eating of the whole can, it’s not enough for her to start putting weight back on.

Her shaman healer gave me some stuff to spry in my mouth to sleep, because I guess he could tell I’m not (average is about 3.5 hours a night, and 6 months ago I was horribly cranky if I got less than 8) and I used it and was seriously out. So my big plan for the night is to find my sweatpants and fall asleep with Honey while Cameron plays video games.

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